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While invisible to the naked eye and thus somewhat intangible 7, the abundance (~10 30 total bacteria and archaea) 8 and diversity of microorganisms underlie their role in maintaining a healthy global ecosystem: simply put, the microbial world constitutes the life support system of the biosphere. By contrast, microorganisms are generally not discussed in the context of climate change (particularly the effect of climate change on microorganisms). Losses of species, communities and habitats are comparatively well researched, documented and publicized 6. Human activities and their effects on the climate and environment cause unprecedented animal and plant extinctions, cause loss in biodiversity 1, 2, 3, 4 and endanger animal and plant life on Earth 5.

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Nature Reviews Microbiology volume 17, pages 569–586 ( 2019) Cite this article Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change

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